Children and Youth Ministry


Sunday School - 11:15am-12:15pm Sundays (online)

Every Sunday morning children from age 6-18 are invited to watch the 11:00 am service streamed online for a shared time of worship and music. Children and families are invited to dive deeper into their faith by following the link to our YouTube channel, newly published every Sunday during the Children’s moment. Caregivers and parents are invited to watch the whole streamed service together with their children, and then to check out the YouTube channel, which includes links to games and activities the whole family can enjoy throughout the week.

The 2019-2020 curriculum will be supported by Deep Blue Kids, a weekly adventure through the bible. It includes sacred story, parables, and liturgical action appropriate to each season of the Church year, paired with response through various mediums of expression including painting, drawing, journaling, sculpting with playdough and learning to tell the stories to one another. The children form a worshiping community all their own, and enjoy a simple feast together.

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Nursery Care & Toddler Class - Suspended

In the time of pandemic, nursery and toddler-specific programming has been suspended until future notice - please check out our Children and Youth YouTube channel where new videos and content will be published every Sunday during streamed worship.

Deep Blue (Sunday School)

Children (ages 6-12) are invited to dive deeper into their faith by following the link to our YouTube channel, newly published every Sunday. Caregivers and parents are invited to watch the whole streamed service together, and then to check out the youtube channel, for links to games and activities the whole family can enjoy throughout the week. 

Youth Group at The Fort

Youth (ages 13-18) are invited to join our zoom chat youth group to discuss questions of identity, religion, belonging, and adulting. There will be music, snacks, and of course, plenty of fun. To join, email Zachary at or Allison at

Confirmation Class - 12:30-1:30pm -13+ years (on Zoom)

Join us online every Sunday at 12:30pm here: Confirmation class meets throughout the year for youth who are interested in deepening their faith and thinking about becoming members of the church. Throughout the class, the group will explore Christian faith, theology, ethics, as well as briefly addressing other religious traditions and questions about our human condition. 

Playgroup - Suspended

Normally, Fort Washington community playgroup is an open, safe and inclusive space for children and caregivers - but in a time of pandemic, playgroup has been suspended.  We will reach out to families when our service is reinstated.

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