Pastoral Care

The pressures of our day-to-day lives often require reaching out to someone for support to help make sense of it all. If you are in need of pastoral care and would like to speak to a minister or schedule an appointment, call the church office at (212) 568-4014 or email Rev. Michael Vanacore.


Contact the Blanton-Peale Institute & Counseling Center for additional assistance. The Blanton-Peale Institute and Counseling Center is an accredited post-graduate educational institute and mental health service organization founded in 1937 by internationally renownedRev. Dr. Norman Vincent Peale, author of The Power of Positive Thinking and minister at New York City’s Marble Collegiate Church, and the eminent psychiatrist Dr. Smiley Blanton, who trained in psychoanalysis with Sigmund Freud.

Prayer Requests

Fort Washington Collegiate Church's Congregational Care Ministry is dedicated to providing pastoral care to those in need.

Prayer plays an important role in pastoral care and is made available to everyone through a number of different formats:


Pastor Connect

Tuesdays from 12:30-1:00PM: Call in to talk with your pastors, ask for prayers, and be in community. Dial this toll-free Conference Number: (605) 472-5697 and enter this Access Code: 493-539.

Deacon Connect

Thursdays at 8PM: Call in to talk with your deacons and elders, ask for prayers, and be in community. Dial this toll-free Conference Number: (605) 472-5697 and enter this Access Code: 493-539.

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The Prayer List

To submit a name for the Prayer List, email Rev. Michael Vanacore.