Sunday Worship Services
Morning Worship @ 11am ONLINE
Join us every Sunday through our: Website, Facebook page or YouTube channel, for our celebratory, arts-based Morning Worship online! Our online services feature lively music, powerful and relevant preaching, opportunities for families and youth to connect and be in community, and prayer time.
Children & Youth ONLINE
Every Sunday morning children and youth of all ages are invited to watch the 11:00 am service streamed online for a shared time of worship and music. Children and families are invited to dive deeper into their faith by following the link to our YouTube channel, newly published every Sunday during the Children’s moment. Caregivers and parents are invited to watch the whole streamed service together with their children, and then to check out the YouTube channel, which includes links to games and activities the whole family can enjoy throughout the week.
Come As You Are!
Wear what you want because you are logging in and enjoying worship from the comforts of anywhere on your electronic device!
Find Community
In this time of pandemic and social distancing required by the government to keep us safe, there are still ways to stay connected. Call someone, facetime or video call, join an online social group and don’t forget to check on the elderly. Following every Sunday’s worship service, we have fellowship time with our church community. We invite you to join us for Pastor Connect on Tuesdays and Deacon Connect on Thursdays.
Pastor Connect - Tuesdays from 12:30-1:00PM
Call in to talk with your pastors, ask for prayers, and be in community. Dial this toll-free Conference Number: (605) 472-5697 and enter this Access Code: 493-539.Deacon Connect - Thursdays at 8pm
Call in to talk with your deacons and elders, ask for prayers, and be in community. Dial this toll-free Conference Number: (605) 472-5697 and enter this Access Code: 493-539.
All Are Welcome!
We are an open and affirming congregation that fully includes LGBTQ+ persons in the life of our church. LGBTQ+ persons serve in church leadership, celebrate weddings and baptisms, and preach regularly. We invite all who have been hurt by other churches’ exclusion to give Christianity another chance at Fort Washington Collegiate Church.